Battery String Simulator BSS

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The Elgar Battery String Simulators (BSS) provide safe, reliable battery power for spacecraft testing. The broad range of features available ensures simulation capabilities for more than just two terminal power. It's the ideal solution for complete integrated system testing, not just battery elimination.

The BSS behavior is determined by a charge table, in spreadsheet format, specific for a battery topology and various battery conditions. Many charge tables can be stored on the computer hard drive for easy retrieval.

The BSS operates in two modes, static and dynamic. In the static mode, when a state-of-charge value is entered, the BSS will instantly produce the terminal voltage corresponding to that state-of-charge. Because of this programmable flexibility, time consuming discharge cycles of flight test batteries are eliminated. In the dynamic mode, once a state-of- charge start point is entered, the BSS will monitor the charge and discharge energies being impressed on the "battery" and modify the terminal voltage accordingly.

Single or dual battery pack simulator versions are available with discharge currents of up to 150A and charge currents of up to 50A per battery. In addition, optional sensor simulators (including thermistor, pressure transducer, and heater loads outputs) allow closed loop input to the Spacecraft Power Regulator for true battery emulation. As with the SAS systems, each Battery Simulator System is a fully integrated, turn-key system using a Windows Graphical User Interface and hardware control software. This control is accomplished via a standard ethernet or optional GPIB interface using standard SCPI format commands.

Features And Benefits

  • Available in single and dual pack versions
  • Sensor simulation available to provide thermistor, strain gauges, heater loads, and cell bypass/short.
  • Battery behavior easily modified via spreadsheet download to simulate any battery topology including Nickel Metal Hydride, Lithium Ion, and Nickel Cadmium